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No Shame in Reporting: Why It's Crucial to Speak Up About Suspicious Emails

At A Corp, we continue to monitor the cyber threat landscape to find the best way to defend our clients. Email continues to be a top threat vector and over the last 12 months we’ve noticed a growing trend – clients are being exposed to cyber risks like phishing emails, but aren’t always letting us know. After countless discussions with our clients, we understand why. It’s easy to feel embarrassed or worried that you’ve made a mistake by clicking on a suspicious link. But we want to make something very clear: there is absolutely no shame in it. In fact, the sooner you tell us, the better we can protect you and your organisation.


Mistakes Happen, and That’s Okay

Cybercriminals are becoming increasingly clever. Phishing emails can look incredibly convincing, and even the most vigilant among us can be caught off guard. You might think, “It’s just one click; nothing happened.” But sometimes, the consequences of that click don’t show up immediately. We’ve seen it happen – an employee clicks on a link, and a week later, we’re alerted to suspicious login attempts or their account shows signs of compromise. Had we known about the click right away, we could have taken steps to prevent the incident.

Today, focus is often placed on the numerous tools that are installed and managed in a corporate environment – EDR, XDR, Application Control, Encryption etc – however, in situations where the human element plays an important role its vital to be open and honest if you think you’ve potentially compromised your account or organisation.



Why Reporting Matters

Reporting a suspicious activity as soon as it happens is key to protecting not only yourself but your entire organisation. Here’s why:

  1. Immediate Action: The quicker we know, the faster we can step in to mitigate any potential damage. Time is of the essence in cyber security.
  2. Preventing Spread: By informing us, you help prevent the threat from spreading to others in your organisation or beyond.
  3. Learning Opportunity: Every report helps us all learn and strengthen our defences. Your experience could help prevent someone else from falling into the same trap.

How to Protect Yourself and Your Team

While reporting is crucial, there are steps you can take to minimize the risk of falling victim to phishing and other cyber threats:

  1. Think Before You Click: Always double-check email addresses and links before clicking. If something feels off, it probably is.
  2. Password Safety: Be cautious when entering passwords on websites, especially if you didn’t navigate to the site directly. Phishing sites can look very convincing.
  3. Keep Everything Updated: Regularly update your software and systems. A simple restart of your device every week can push through crucial security updates.

Let’s Stay Safe Together

At A Corp Computers, we’re here to support you, no matter what. Cyber security is a team effort, and your honesty is a vital part of keeping your organisation safe. Remember, there’s no shame in making a mistake – what matters is how we handle it together. If you ever suspect something isn’t right, don’t hesitate. Reach out to us immediately.